83 Back To School Quotes For The First Day of School!

Are you ready to put on your thinking caps, dust off those backpacks, and embrace the exciting whirlwind of pencils, books, and the teacher’s dirty looks?

That’s right. It’s time to say goodbye to summer break and dive headfirst into a new school year!

But before you groan and mutter about early mornings and endless assignments, let me share a little secret: the power of inspiration.

And what better way to ignite that spark than with a collection of marvelous back to school quotes?

Welcome Back to school quotes

Trust me, these words of wisdom will have you feeling motivated and ready to conquer the academic world like a superhero armed with an encyclopedia.

So buckle up because we’re about to embark on a joyride through a universe of wit, wisdom, and a whole lot of back to school goodness!

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Back To School Quotes

“It feels good to be back.” - Back To School Quotes

1-  “It feels good to be back.”

2-  “Never thought I would say it one day, but I missed school.”

TIP: I found LOTS of cute back-to-school supplies here. I promise you, it’s worth taking a peek, there’s so much to love!

Happy Back To School Quotes

“Never thought a day would come when I would actually be happy to go to school.” - Happy Back To School Quotes

3-  “Never thought a day would come when I would actually be happy to go to school.”

4-  “You keep wishing for the school to end, but a week later, you start wishing for it to reopen.”

“I am so happy to return to school that I couldn't sleep the night before.” - Happy Back To School Quotes

5-  “School is where friends are.”

6-  “I am so happy to return to school that I couldn’t sleep the night before.”

“Let's begin this new chapter in our lives with a smile.” - Happy Back To School Quotes

7-  “Let’s begin this new chapter in our lives with a smile.”

8-  “School is my happy place.”

First Day of School Sign
TIP: If you're looking for a First Day of School sign (like the image above) that can be reused and will last years and years. I found many cute and quality First Day of School signs here.

I bought 2 for my boys last year and the quality is EXCELLENT!

Funny Back To School Quotes

“This is where the fun ends and the grilling begins.” - Funny Back To School Quotes

9-  “This is where the fun ends and the grilling begins.”

10-  “School is all fun and games until it’s time to study.”

11-  “Some people are happy to go back to school. My question is, who are those people?”

“School is all fun and games until it's time to study.” - Funny Back To School Quotes

12-  “Mothers only realize during the vacations how important schools are for their own sanity.”

13-  “As a mother of two naughty kids, I am thankful every day that schools exist.”

“As a mother of two naughty kids, I am thankful every day that schools exist.” - Funny Back To School Quotes

14-  “Schools are no fun, only games.”

15-  “Books are my best friends, just not school books.”

16-  “Schools are safe havens for some, torture cells for others.”

First Day Of School Quotes

“Today is my child's first day of school. I hope he makes some good memories today, unlike his mom, who spent the whole first day crying her eyes out.” - First Day Of School Quotes

17-  “Today is my child’s first day of school. I hope he makes some good memories today, unlike his mom, who spent the whole first day crying her eyes out.”

18-  “Seeing you excited for your first day at school makes me so happy.” 

“Seeing you excited for your first day at school makes me so happy.” - First Day Of School Quotes

19-  “Today is my child’s first day of school, and I am more nervous and anxious than he is.”

20-  “It feels like my child is only now entering this world. He would have to interact with people without me being around. It’s huge for both of us.”

“Today is my child’s first day of school, and I am more nervous and anxious than he is.” - First Day Of School Quotes

21-  “I can’t wait to listen to the after-school stories from my children.”

22-  “Seeing my child off to school for the first time is more stressful than exciting.”

23-  “May you lay down a strong foundation today.”

Start September right with these hello September quotes.

Back To School Quotes For Teachers

“Teachers are like the second mothers for kids.” - Back To School Quotes For Teachers

24-  “Teachers are like the second mothers for kids.”

25-  “Can’t say the same about students, but as a teacher, I am happy to be back here.”

26-  “The responsibility of being a role model for a bunch of students is huge, but I love it still.”

“Being a teacher can be both rewarding and challenging.” - Back To School Quotes For Teachers

27-  “First day back to school is my favorite. Students have all the pent-up energy. They all have their cool vacation stories to share. It is all smiles and reunion in my class.”

28-  “I love my job, and I love when I get back to school after the holidays. Teaching is my passion, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than here at school.”

29-  “Being a teacher can be both rewarding and challenging.”

“I am so happy to be back where my heart is.” - Back To School Quotes For Teachers

30-  “I am so happy to be back where my heart is.”

31-  “I inspire my students, and my students inspire me in return. It’s symbiotic.”

32-  “Teaching many students is a task, but I am happy to take it up.”

33-  “I believe the main goal of teachers is to make sure that the students love learning and the space of learning.”

Inspirational Back To School Quotes

“Schools are where you listen, speak, engage, and learn to live together.” - Inspirational Back To School Quotes

34-  “Schools are where you listen, speak, engage, and learn to live together.”

35-  “Schools will be your life’s best and most carefree part. Make sure you collect all the good memories for your future to look back upon and smile.”

“You get inspired, and you inspire others. This is all school is about.” - Inspirational Back To School Quotes

36-  “You get inspired, and you inspire others. This is all school is about.”

37-  “If I ever get to go back to any part of my life, I would choose to go back to the school years. Those were carefree days. The fun, the friendships, the joys, the challenges. I miss all of that so much.”

“The energy and morale are both high today.” - Inspirational Back To School Quotes

38-  “Learn to be a messiah in a world of bullies.”

39-  “It’s time to be productive again.”

40-  “The energy and morale are both high today.”

Short Back To School Quotes

“No more sleeping in for you!” - Short Back To School Quotes

41-  “No more sleeping in for you!”

42-  “Holidays are over!”

43-  “Pack your bags. It is time to go back to school.”

44-  “School is cathartic. I love it here.”

“Holidays are over!” - Short Back To School Quotes

45-  “I missed the cafeteria food.”

46-  “Is it time to make some new friends already?”

47-  “Naps after school are so underrated.”

“Naps after school are so underrated.” - Short Back To School Quotes

48-  “It’s time to stop pulling all-nighters for a while.”

49-  “The first few days back to school are always so cheerful.”

50-  “The School library is my favorite place to be.”

On our Pinterest page, you'll find really cool quotes and pictures that show what each season is like!

Inspirational Quotes For Your First Day Of School

“For some people, school is the only place where they can be happy.” - Inspirational Quotes For Your First Day Of School

51-  “For some people, school is the only place where they can be happy.”

52-  “It is time to make some new friends.”

“It is time to make some new friends.” - Inspirational Quotes For Your First Day Of School

53-  “Schools are where you start learning, start growing, start becoming your adult self.”

54-  “May this journey be full of happy memories for you.”

“May this journey be full of happy memories for you.” - Inspirational Quotes For Your First Day Of School

55-  “As you progress in your life, it gets stressful. So enjoy every moment that you can. Live and love your school years. You will miss them more than anything else.”

56-  “From here on forward, I hope your life keeps on getting better.”

Welcome Back To School Quotes

“The school buildings looked so sad during the holidays. They seem to welcome everyone after the summer break.” - Welcome Back To School Quotes

57-  “The school buildings looked so sad during the holidays. They seem to welcome everyone after the summer break.”

58-  “Welcome back! Let us all vow not to repeat the same mistakes again this year.”

59-  “You only miss school when you outgrow it.”

“You only miss school when you outgrow it.” - Welcome Back To School Quotes

60-  “Schools are the places where you actually get to live your life.”

61-  “Welcome back to the palace where friends are.”

62-  “Welcome, the school missed you.”

63-  “The vacations are over, and I am not sad about it, rather happy that I would get to attend school again.”

“Welcome back to the palace where friends are.” - Welcome Back To School Quotes

64-  “Welcome back to your routine.”

65-  “Welcome, It is your time to rise and shine like never before.”

66-  “May this school year be better than the previous ones.”

Motivational Back To School Quotes From Mom

“Back-to-school doesn’t mean we can’t have fun anymore. I will make sure the holiday fun somehow continues. So cheer up!” - Motivational Back To School Quotes From Mom

67-  “And off you go again into the wilderness that is school. But know that you have it in you to handle the wilderness, come what may.”

68-  “Your journey ahead might be tough, but you are too. You have got this!”

69-  “Stay positive, stay focused, and remember the sky’s the limit.”

“Stay positive, stay focused, and remember the sky's the limit.” - Motivational Back To School Quotes From Mom

70-  “Good luck for the journey ahead. Mom has always got your back.”

71-  “You might not be too excited about school, but looking at the silver linings, like art, drama, fashion, sports, and field trips, is always a good idea.”

“Your education is an investment in your future. Make it count.” - Motivational Back To School Quotes From Mom

72-  “The road ahead could be paved or unpaved, but believe me, the road will end, and you will reach your destination. In the end, you will cherish this journey.”

73-  “Your education is an investment in your future. Make it count.”

“Good luck for the journey ahead. Mom has always got your back.” - Motivational Back To School Quotes From Mom

74-  “Go on. Strive for excellence. Stay positive. Mom is always here cheering you on.”

75-  “Back-to-school doesn’t mean we can’t have fun anymore. I will make sure the holiday fun somehow continues. So cheer up!”

Motivational Back To School Quotes From Teachers

“Work smart. Strive for progress, not perfection. Every step forward counts.” - Motivational Back To School Quotes From Teachers

76-  “Work smart. Strive for progress, not perfection. Every step forward counts.”

77-  “The school is back, and so is the routine. The mundanity of it all could be daunting. So take it slow and give yourself time to settle back in.”

“Be curious. Ask questions. Make new friends.” - Motivational Back To School Quotes From Teachers

78-  “Be curious. Ask questions. Make new friends.”

79-  “I wish you the best for this school year.”

“I hope this school year is the best so far.” - Motivational Back To School Quotes From Teachers

80-  “I hope this school year is the best so far.”

81-  “This time around, try to soak every moment in. Because once school  is over, you will miss it so dearly.”

“The future looks great. You only need to be optimistic about it. - Motivational Back To School Quotes From Teachers

82-  “It’s time to get back to school, so let’s all come with smiles.”

83-  “The future looks great. You only need to be optimistic about it.”

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First day of School Quotes and Sayings

Wrapping Up Back To School Quotes

These quotes are like secret weapons that can make your school days even more extraordinary. 

They remind us to dream big, be kind, and never give up.

So, as you embark on this new academic journey, carry these quotes with you.

Let them be your friends, cheering you on and filling your days with inspiration.

While you’re here, I encourage you to browse through our September blessings quotes for monthly inspiration.

Wishing you a phenomenal school year filled with laughter, friendships, and incredible discoveries!

Happy Back to school quotes

2 thoughts on “83 Back To School Quotes For The First Day of School!”

  1. I’m so ready for back to school. Thank you for sharing these quotes it really helps with getting the kids ready for school.


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