69 Hello July Quotes For A Fun-filled Month

Can you believe it’s already July? It feels like just yesterday we were ringing in the new year, and now here we are, in the thick of summer!

As we start this new month, I couldn’t resist gathering some of my favorite Hello July quotes to share with you all.

Hello July wallpaper

Like our hello June quotes and captions, these are sure to inspire, motivate, and maybe even make you laugh.

So grab an ice-cold beverage, kick back, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of July quotes!

Hello July Quotes And Sayings

May the month ahead bring you joy, and may all your dreams come true.”

1-  “Hello, dear July.”

2-  “With every new month, there is a new chance, a new opening, and a new slate for everyone.”

“With every new month, there is a new chance, a new opening, and a new slate for everyone.” - Hello July Quotes And Sayings

3-  “Hello to yet another month of summer.”

4-  “May the month ahead bring you joy, and may all your dreams come true.”

“Hello to yet another month of summer.” - Hello July Quotes And Sayings

5-  “Oh, summer just deepened.”

6-  “I am July-ready.”

7-  “Hello, July, sweat and bugs.”

“Oh, summer just deepened.” - Hello July Quotes And Sayings

8-  “Let’s celebrate the beginning of July by being a little more considerate and a little less judgmental.”

9-  “Hello, July, when the spirits are high.”

“Hello to the 7th month. We are more than halfway across this year already.” - Hello July Quotes And Sayings

10-  “Hello to the 7th month. We are more than halfway across this year already.”

11-  “Hello to July. Here’s to hoping the 31 days fly like a kite in the day sky.”

“Hello to July. Here’s to hoping the 31 days fly like a kite in the day sky.” - Hello July Quotes And Sayings

12-  “Hello, July 

Jog away the blues

Uplift those around you 

Live with love and

You will never regret it.”

Goodbye June, Hello July Quotes

“Hello, July, and goodbye, June. We are deeper into the summer season.”

13-  “From one summer month to another, from June to July, from 6th to 7th.”

14-  “Hello, July, and goodbye, June. We are deeper into the summer season.”

“Welcome July and goodbye June. If June was hot, July is only gonna be hotter.” - Goodbye June Hello July Quotes

15-  “Hello, July, and goodbye, June. Be grateful for another month, another beginning.”

16-  “Welcome July and goodbye June. If June was hot, July is only gonna be hotter.”

“Hi to July and goodbye to June. July is the month to celebrate and have fun.” - Goodbye June Hello July Quotes

17-  “Hi to July and goodbye to June.  July is the month to celebrate and have fun.”

Welcome July Quotes 

“Kickstarting July with enthusiasm, optimism, and high spirits.”

18-  “Welcome to a joyous July.”

19-  “Kickstarting July with enthusiasm, optimism, and high spirits.”

“Welcome to the humid yet beautiful month of July.” - Welcome July Quotes

20-  “Welcome to the humid yet beautiful month of July.”

21-  “Welcome to the hottest month of the year.” 

“Welcome, July. I am looking forward to a lot of swimming.” - Welcome July Quotes

22-  “Am I weird to welcome the month of July with something akin to joy because, man, it’s sweltering hot where I live?”

23-  “Welcome, July. I am looking forward to a lot of swimming.”

Happy First Of July Quotes

“Happy 1st of July. I am looking forward to enjoying the long days.”

24-  “Happy First of July. Six months flew by so quickly.”

25-  “The first of July is here. Half of the year is over. Here is to hoping the second half is even better.”

“Happy First of July. Six months flew by so quickly.” - Happy First Of July Quotes

26-  “Happy first day of July.”

27-  “On the 1st of July, we make preparations for the 4th of July.”

“The first day of July means Independence Day is just around the corner.” - Happy First Of July Quotes

28-  “The first day of July means Independence Day is just around the corner.”

29-  “Happy 7th month.”

“The first of July is here. Half of the year is over. Here is to hoping the second half is even better.” - Happy First Of July Quotes

30-  “Happy 1st of July. I am looking forward to enjoying the long days.”

CHECK OUT: even more monthly quotes and images from us on Pinterest. 

Fourth Of July Quotes

“Today, we celebrate freedom, hope, and a promise for a better future.”

31-  “Fourth of July is embedded in my mind as a day of celebrations and joy.”

32-  “Wishing you all a very happy Independence Day.”

“Fourth of July is embedded in my mind as a day of celebrations and joy.” - Fourth Of July Quotes

33-  “Today, we celebrate freedom, hope, and a promise for a better future.”

34-  “Every Independence Day, I am greeted with so much nostalgia. Fireworks, BBQs, parades, we used to do it all.”

“Every Independence Day, I am greeted with so much nostalgia. Fireworks, BBQs, parades, we used to do it all.” - Fourth Of July Quotes

35-  “On this day, we commemorate our ancestral heroes and those who came after them. Let’s learn from our mistakes and try to do better on the stage of the world.”

36-  “Fourth of July symbolizes unity, freedom, and independence.”

“Today, we celebrate the freedom that came at the cost of blood, sweat, and endless labor.” - Fourth Of July Quotes

37-  “Today, we celebrate the freedom that came at the cost of blood, sweat, and endless labor.”

Additional quotes to reflect on Independence Day:

Festive 4th Of July Letter Board Quotes and Captions

4th Of July In Heaven Quotes For Departed Loved Ones

Happy 4th Of July Quotes To Get Your Patriotic Groove On

Summer Quotes

“Summer awakens our souls and brings out our lively selves.”

38-  “Summer is here for good, and they will last a long time.”

39-  “Summer is one long, arduous journey of reacquainting ourselves with heat.”

“Summer is here for good, and they will last a long time.” - Summer Quotes

40-  “I am good so long as it’s summer.”

41-  “Summer awakens our souls and brings out our lively selves.”

“A soft, warm breeze caresses my face, and I smile a little. For reasons as such, Summer is my favorite.” - Summer Quotes

42-  “A soft, warm breeze caresses my face, and I smile a little. For reasons as such, Summer is my favorite.”

43-  “I am such a summer girl. I always enjoy long days of summer, which are spent lazing around.”

“I am such a summer girl. I always enjoy long days of summer, which are spent lazing around.” - Summer Quotes

44-  “Celebrate summer with BBQs and swimming.”

45-  “I love swimming in summer, whether it’s done in the ocean or a pool.”

“Lawn days are here.” - Summer Quotes

46-  “Summers are for running through the sand.”

47-  “Lawn days are here.”

RELATED: 126 Summer Letter Board Quotes And Ideas

Happy/Fun July Quotes

“In December, I dreamt about July. So I planned a bucket list. Now’s the time to check everything off of it.”

48-  “I love July if only for National Lasagna Day, which happens to be on the 29th of July. I love lasagna, and the 29th is all the more reason to eat it.”

“I love July if only for National Lasagna Day, which happens to be on the 29th of July. I love lasagna, and the 29th is all the more reason to eat it.” - Happy Fun July Quotes

49-  “I am so glad to celebrate the summer season. July is one of the best months for me. It’s the month I indulge in my hobbies.”

50-  “In December, I dreamt about July. So I planned a bucket list. Now’s the time to check everything off of it.”

“I am so glad to celebrate the summer season. July is one of the best months for me. It’s the month I indulge in my hobbies.” - Happy Fun July Quotes

51-  “I will pick fruit from the farm, I will watch movies in the dimly lit yard and will sunbathe on the terrace. Summer is what I had been looking forward to for so long.”

“I will pick fruit from the farm, I will watch movies in the dimly lit yard, and will sunbathe on the terrace. Summer is what I had been looking forward to for so long.” - Happy Fun July Quotes

52-  “Time is rarely on our side, but in July, it is. July literally crawls, and I say it’s awesome. It’s not like you are running against time. You get to do what you love. You can paint, read, sew, hike, spend endless time at the beach, can even start a new business. For that, July is so much fun.”

Have fun with these cute baby’s first summer quotes!

Things-To-Do In July Quotes

 “Camping for the win. Lit up a cozy campfire while you are at it.”

53-  “Watch an old-school romance.”

54-  “Get out in nature despite the heat and the mosquitoes.”

“Get out in nature despite the heat and the mosquitoes.” - Things-To-Do In July Quotes

55-  “Camping for the win. Lit up a cozy campfire while you are at it.”

56-  “Who gets summer and doesn’t go on a picnic?”

“Who gets summer and doesn’t go on a picnic?” - Things-To-Do In July Quotes

57-  “Make yourself an icy lemonade and relax with a book.”

58-  “Sunbathe. The more, the better.”

59-  “Paintball the life out of others.”

“Make yourself an icy lemonade and relax with a book.” - Things-To-Do In July Quotes

60-  “Eat a popsicle.”

61-  “Chase the fireflies.”

62-  “Read a novel that’s set in summer.”

“Sunbathe. The more, the better.” - Things-To-Do In July Quotes

63-  “Eat cold sandwiches with a glass of soda.”

64-  “Grill your favorite food.”

POPULAR: Cozy Summer Vibes Quotes and Instagram Captions

People Born In July Quotes 

“Often left-handed and tall, we are optimistic and just cool.”

65-  “We are cool and composed, July babies.”

66-  “July babies are on another level of calm.”

“We are cool and composed, July babies.” - People Born In July Quotes

67-  “Ruby is our birthstone which in itself is pretty amazing. Not to say it’s the most precious stone, also called the ‘king of gems.’”

68-  “Often left-handed and tall, we are optimistic and just cool.”

“July babies are on another level of calm.” - People Born In July Quotes

69-  “We share the same birth month as Princess Diana, which is a cool thing for a royal family-obsessed girl like me.”

Welcome July quotes

Wrapping Up Hello July Quotes

And there you have it, folks!

Some inspiring and fun quotes to kick off the month of July.

It’s time to make the most of this month and enjoy everything it has to offer, from warm summer days to BBQs and fireworks.

So, let’s raise a glass to July and all the adventures it holds!

And don’t forget to bookmark this page so you can revisit these Hello July quotes whenever you need a little boost of inspiration.

Cheers to a fantastic month ahead!

Read next:

Hello August Quotes to Savor the Last of Summer

1st of September Quotes to Inspire a Fresh Start

Warm October Wishes, Quotes, and Captions
July 1st quotes

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