45 Unbiological Sister Quotes To Celebrate Your Bestie!

Sisters are special. 

They are someone we can rely on, laugh with, and sometimes just sit in silence with. They’re your confidante, your best friend, and your ally.

Unbiological Sister Meaning

An unbiological sister is a fun, informal way to describe a super close friend who feels just like a real sister.

It’s someone you’re not related to by blood, but the bond you share is so deep and strong, it’s as if you are siblings.

You probably tell each other everything, spend loads of time together, and would be there in a heartbeat if the other one needed something.

She’s your go-to for advice, laughs, tears, and everything in between. She might not be part of your family tree, but she’s 100% part of your chosen family.

So, really, “unbiological sister” is just another term for best friend, but with a little extra sprinkle of love and kinship.

45 best Unbiological Sister Quotes

Unbiological sisters are just as special as biological sisters. They share an unbreakable bond, and they love each other fiercely.

They are the friends that you choose, and know will always be there for you. 

Unbiological Sisters are the ones that know you better than anyone else and accept you for who you are. 

They stand by you through thick and thin and make you laugh when you need it the most.

Do you have a special sister who is not related to you by blood? 

These unbiological sister quotes can be used to appreciate your sister on National Sisters Day, her birthday, Christmas, or any other occasion.

Here are some quotes to celebrate the amazing relationship between unbiological sisters!

Meaningful Unbiological Sister Quotes

two ladies smiling while lying on the floor

1- “I would not have known the joy of having an unbiological sister if I had not met you.”

2- “Dear sister from another mother, you are a once-in-a-million find and a priceless diamond.”

3- “I had always envisioned what a feminine angel would look like, I didn’t need to speculate anymore.”

4- “Wondering why you’re so good and always there for me is like wondering why the morning sky is blue and fresh grasses are green.”

5- “As every baby needs their mother, every girl needs a loving soul-sister.” 

6- “You, my unbiological sister, are my go-to person at all times.”


Unbiological Sister Appreciation Quotes

cute flower background with Unbiological Sister Appreciation Quotes

7- “Treasures are always hidden, gold is always mined, yet this gem-friend shows up effortlessly whenever I need someone by my side.”

8- “It is hard to give up on my dreams when my unbiological sister is my cheerleader. Thanks for all you do girl.”

9- “I’m yet to fathom how I so easily connect with a sister from another womb, Thanks for being you.”

10- “Thank you for being my one true friend and sister, and for allowing us to do things together instead of competing.”

11- “She smiles at me reassuringly and says, ‘bestie, we’re going to make it!’ Makes me love her more.”

12- “You’ve always had my back, even when I feel alone, sister-mine, you’re truly valued.”

Deep Unbiological Sister Quotes 

Deep Unbiological Sister Quotes on hands heart image

13- “My dearest  unbiological sister, even if we don’t live near each other, you are always in my heart.”

14- “If wishes were horses, I would wish we were twin sisters.” 

15- “I can take the advice of a random girlfriend like a pill, but I’ll drink the counsel of my unbiological sister like water.” 

16- “I treasure the memories of every moment we share as sisters, and I hope they will continue even when we are separated, even when we are old and grey.”

17- “Loneliness is never an option when my soul-sister is around.”

18- “If we can’t be biological sisters, we can at least be unbiological sisters for life!”

Best Friend Unbiological Sister Quotes

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19- “They say unlike poles attract, but that’s not the case with us. We’re so alike and yet the best of friends.”

20- “I’m still surprised at how much we tolerate and accept each other even though we’re not blood sisters.”

21- “If my other friends push me to do something, all my bestie has to do is nudge me to do the same thing, and I’ll do it.”

22- “I don’t believe two girlfriends can become genuine sisters without going through challenges that threaten their special unbreakable bond.”

23- “Nothing, absolutely nothing can separate me from my best friend.”

24- “I think if I’ve learned anything about friendship, it’s to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let them fight for you. Don’t walk away, don’t be distracted, don’t be too busy or tired, and don’t take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff.” — Jon Katz

25- “Every friendship goes through ups and downs. Dysfunctional patterns set in; external situations cause internal friction; you grow apart and then bounce back together.” – Mariella Frostrup

26- “Friendship is a wildly underrated medication.” – Anna Deavere Smith


Funny Unbiological Sister Quotes

Funny Unbiological Sister Quotes on pink sky image

27- “Many girls get love notes from their boyfriends, I get essays from my unbiological sister.”

28- “When I eat with my nonbiological sister, the food always tastes better.”

29- “A girlfriend drags your sleepyhead off the bed on your birthday.”

30- “When my soul sister is there to cheer me up, I don’t last long in heartbreak mode.”

31- “For God so loved the human race and female gender, that He gave me His favorite begotten daughter, that whosever befriends her shall know no regret but have everlasting bliss. No better way to say God loves me!” 

32- “Thank you for standing up to all of my naysayers.”

Unbiological Sister Birthday Quotes

Happy Birthday Unbiological Sister Quotes on egg best friend image

33- “Happy birthday to the best gossip buddy on the planet. My one and only unbiological sister.”

34- “The least I can do on this special day for a golden-hearted friend like you is to empty my bank accounts on a gift.” You are deserving of more.”

35- “It’s a special day for the best friend of all friends, have a fun-filled day, baby girl.”

36- “Years ago, on this day was an angel born in the form of a sister to me. You’ll forever remain my angel. Happy birthday sweet sister.”

37- “To the only one who can read my thoughts and moods without glasses, happy birthday.”

38- “Happy gorgeous birthday to my sister from another mother.”

Unbiological Soul Sister Quotes

Unbiological Soul Sister Quotes on neon best friends image

39- “I have learned how to love on God by how you love me, dear unbiological sister.”

40- “I’m not even joking; when my soul sister is around, I can’t sit around and do nothing; there’s just so much to catch up on.”

41- “My girlfriend is a sweet sister who can’t stand it when we play and laugh together just to find out that I cried alone.”

42- “I really haven’t met any other who understands and can relate to my feelings and thoughts as my unbiological sister does.”

43- “My friend is a fierce God-lover and being her sister, it’s contagious.”

44- “Do you know who holds my hands and prays for me whenever I’m down?- Yep, it’s my unbiological sister?”

45- “Most of the time, we’re conversing and keeping each other company, but when we’re silent and minding our own thing, all we have to do is look each other in the eyes, and we’re talking again.” If you’re not sisters, you won’t be able to relate.”

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Wrapping Up Quotes For Unbiological Sisters

Unbiological sisters have a special bond. These two women have a close friendship. 

Though they are not related by blood, they share a deep connection that is built on trust, love, and respect.

Their bond is unbreakable, and it can withstand even the most difficult of challenges. 

Though unbiological sisters may go through ups and downs, their friendship will always remain strong. They are there for each other through thick and thin.

Celebrate your unbiological sister today with these quotes that reflect how truly special your bond is. 

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