75 First Born Quotes That Perfectly Describe the Experience

Firstborns are a special breed. They are the ones who pave the way for their siblings and set the tone for the family.

As such, they often have wisdom beyond their years. They are smart, strong, and full of love.

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Here are some inspiring first born quotes that capture the unique experience of being the eldest child.

Quotes About First Borns

“Having a child, particularly the first one, can change your whole perspective about life. Suddenly you have someone you care about more than anything. Someone you love more than anything. Everything else takes the back seat.” - Quotes About First Borns

1.  “Many babies might follow the first one, but none of them will take the firstborn’s place.”

2.  “Firstborns usually turn out to be the most responsible of adults.”

“Firstborns usually turn out to be the most responsible of adults.” - Quotes About First Borns

3.  “A woman becomes a mother when her first child is born. That child is always special, always the most beloved one.”

4.  “Oldest child tends to take up the most room in your heart.”

5.  “Most of the vivid memories to accompany you at old age are those spent with your firstborn.”

“Oldest child tends to take up the most room in your heart.” - Quotes About First Borns

6.  “Having a child, particularly the first one, can change your whole perspective about life. Suddenly you have someone you care about more than anything. Someone you love more than anything. Everything else takes the back seat.”

7.  “Firstborn can instill joy, fear, triumph, uncertainty, and delight all at the same time. The moment your first child is born your life changes completely and irrevocably, for good.”

“Most of the vivid memories to accompany you at old age are those spent with your firstborn.” - Quotes About First Borns

8.  “The real parenting challenge occurs when the second child is born. Some firstborns kind of just roll with the new status quo while others have a very hard time adjusting.”

9. “Everyone loves firstborns, including parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles.”

“Everyone loves firstborns, including parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles.” - Quotes About First Borns

10. “You have to keep your parenting game strong with the first child because later on, he will have a major influence on your younger kids. If he is brought up the wholesome way, others will follow suit.”

11.  “Firstborns set the example. Their upbringing, good or bad, also reflects on your other children.”

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My First Born Quotes

“I was nervous and excited when I learned about you. Now that you are here, I hope to channel all that nervousness and excitement into positive energy. I hope to be the best mother that I can be for you.” - My First Born Quotes

12.  “We were amateurs when we had you, but you trained us quickly, and you trained us well.”

13.  “They say practice makes you perfect. I did all my practice on my firstborn and now the second baby will reap the benefits.”

“We were amateurs when we had you, but you trained us quickly and you trained us well.” - My First Born Quotes

14.  “You made me a mother. For that alone, I am forever grateful.”

15.  “My life took on a whole new view, a new dimension, and a new meaning, ever since I held my first child in my arms.”

“You made me a mother, for that alone, I am forever grateful.” - My First Born Quotes

16.  “Only after having my firstborn did I understand the true meaning of love, life, and joy.”

17.  “I was nervous and excited when I learned about you. Now that you are here, I hope to channel all that nervousness and excitement into positive energy. I hope to be the best mother that I can be for you.”

“Only after having my firstborn did I understand the true meaning of love, life, and joy.” - My First Born Quotes

18.  “It’s you holding my heart from the day you were born.”

19.  “It’s still surreal that I have given birth to a baby and that I am responsible for another tiny being.”

SEE: Second Born Quotes for Your Middle Child

Being First-Born Child Quotes

“Most parents are secretly biased towards one child, which in most cases is the eldest one.” - Being First-Born Child Quotes

20.  “Most parents are secretly biased towards one child, which in most cases is the eldest one.”

21.  “The first-born children are privileged in many ways. The time they spent with their parents is theirs, the toys they own are theirs, and the house is theirs to command. Later-borns always have to share.”

“Firstborns try your patience like nobody else can.” - Being First-Born Child Quotes

22.  “Firstborns try your patience like nobody else can.”

23.  “Nothing can compare to the joy that your firstborn brings you.”

24.  “With your first child, you get to experience childhood all over again.”

“Nothing can compare to the joy that your firstborn brings you.” - Being First-Born Child Quotes

25.  “Firstborns are usually the mature ones. They are familiar with nuances of expressions and feelings from a young age.”

26.  “Firstborns are dominating little things. They can even vie with their parents for control.”

Sweet First Born Quotes

“Didn’t know my heart was capable of holding such immense love and laughter until you.” - Sweet First Born Quotes

27.  “My eyes have not seen a thing more beautiful than you.”

28.  “My life’s not the same anymore. It is more beautiful, meaningful, and colorful.”

“My eyes have not seen a thing more beautiful than you.” - Sweet First Born Quotes

29.  “You are here, and you are beautiful. I shall strive to give you the best that I can.”

30.  “I love you like I haven’t loved anything before.”

“You are my shining star, my firstborn, my greatest joy.” - Sweet First Born Quotes

31.  “Didn’t know my heart was capable of holding such immense love and laughter until you.”

32.  “You are my shining star, my firstborn, my greatest joy.”

“You came and you took hold of every corner of my heart.” - Sweet First Born Quotes

33.  “You came, and you took hold of every corner of my heart.”

34.  “I still cherish the moment when I laid my eyes upon my firstborn.”

“I still cherish the moment when I laid my eyes upon my firstborn.” - Sweet First Born Quotes

35.  “You represent all the good things and none of the bad.”

36.  “You are everything I hoped for and then some.”

“You are everything I hoped for and then some.” - Sweet First Born Quotes

37.  “You will outgrow my lap but never my heart.” – UNKNOWN

38.  “After you, I learned that joy, happiness, and love know no boundaries.”

“After you, I learned that joy, happiness, and love know no boundaries.” - Sweet First Born Quotes

39.  “You taught me many things. Above all, you taught me how to become a mother.”

40.  “You are special and unique in more ways than one.”

First Born Birthday Quotes

“Happy birthday to my firstborn. I wish for you all the bounties of this world. I pray wherever you go, happiness finds you. I pray you live your life to its fullest.” - First Born Birthday Quotes

41.  “Happy birthday to my firstborn. I wish for you all the bounties of this world. I pray wherever you go, happiness finds you. I pray you live your life to its fullest.”

“On your birthday, let me cling to you a little too tightly and cherish all those memories we made together.” - First Born Birthday Quotes

42.  “Your infinite energy keeps us on our toes. On your birthday, I wish that you always remain as energetic and as unapologetic about it as you are now.”

43.  “A free-spirited child, my firstborn is. I’d want to wish her a happy birthday and hope that she gets to live out her days in the wild, as her soul longs to do.”

“Your infinite energy keeps us on our toes. On your birthday, I wish that you always remain as energetic and as unapologetic about it as you are now.” - First Born Birthday Quotes

44.  “On your birthday, let me cling to you a little too tightly and cherish all those memories we made together.”

That’s a wrap on our favorite firstborn birthday quotes. For more fun, check out these brilliant 18th birthday ideas. Keep the celebrations going!

First Born Funny Quotes

“Thanks to you, now we can compile our very own guide about 'what not to do as first-time parents'.” - First Born Funny Quotes

45.  “Thanks to you, now we can compile our very own guide about ‘what not to do as first-time parents’.”

46.  “Firstborn to younger siblings, ‘I get the veto power, I have been here longer than you all’.”

“Firstborn to younger siblings, 'I get the veto power, I have been here longer than you all'.” - First Born Funny Quotes

47.  “Firstborns know the surest ways to turn your life upside down, but who am I to complain?”

48.  “Sleeping is my favorite thing to do. Depriving me of sleep is my baby’s favorite thing to do.”

“The biggest test your firstborn puts you to - is changing diapers.” - First Born Funny Quotes

49.  “The biggest test your firstborn puts you to – is changing diapers.”

50.  “Life is all about sleepless nights, Pjs, pooping, and feeding after having my baby, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

First-Born Son Quotes

“My little boy has made my house a whole lot pigsty and my life a whole lot wonderful.” - First-Born Son Quotes

51.  “I am blessed with a son. It’s my duty to raise him well.”

52.  “My little boy has made my house a whole lot pigsty and my life a whole lot wonderful.”

53.  “My firstborn boy is as sensible as they come.”

First-Born Daughter Quotes

“There is a little girl in our house who spreads magic, sparkle, and glitter wherever she goes.” - First-Born Daughter Quotes

54.  “Her smile can lighten up the whole galaxy.”

56.  “There is a little girl in our house who spreads magic, sparkle, and glitter wherever she goes.”

57.  “My firstborn girl is a little bundle of joy and trouble, naughtiness and wonder.”

Firstborn Responsibility Quotes

"Being the first-born child is a great responsibility. You have to set an example for your younger siblings." - Firstborn Responsibility Quotes

58.   “Being the first-born child is a great responsibility. You have to set the example for your younger siblings.”

59.   “The best thing about being the first-born child is that you get to be the boss of your siblings.”

"The first-born child is always the child who makes the parents, the parents." - Firstborn Responsibility Quotes

60.   “The first-born child is always the child who makes the parents, the parents.”

61.   “The first-born child gets to be the star of the family – at least for a little while.” 

"Being the firstborn is like having the keys to the kingdom." - Firstborn Responsibility Quotes

62.    “Firstborns are leaders, but not always followers.” – Author Unknown

63.    “Being the firstborn is like having the keys to the kingdom.”

"The firstborn is the start of a new family tradition." - Firstborn Responsibility Quotes

64.    “The first-born child is the root of the tree, the one that sets the example for the rest of the family.”

65.    “The firstborn is the start of a new family tradition.”

"The firstborn is a symbol of hope for the future." - Firstborn Responsibility Quotes

66.    “The firstborn is a symbol of hope for the future.”

67.    “First-borns are natural born leaders.”

"First-borns are natural born leaders." - Firstborn Responsibility Quotes

68.    “The firstborn always has a special place in the family.”

69.    “First-borns are always the ones who take care of the parents in their old age.”

To My First Born Quotes

“My beautiful first-born child, I am so grateful to be your mother. There are no words that can describe the love I have for you. You are my everything. I will never give up on you, no matter what.” - To My First Born Quotes

70.   “My firstborn, you are the very breath of my life. You are everything I ever dreamed of and more. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I love you from the depths of my soul. Congratulations on everything you have achieved. I love you always.”

"To my first-born child: I am so grateful to be your parent. I promise to always support you. I love you more than words can say." - To My First Born Quotes

71.    “To my firstborn: I am so grateful to be your mother. You have brought so much joy into my life. I am so proud of the person you are becoming. I am so excited to see all the wonderful things you will do in this world. I love you so much!” 

72.   “To my first-born daughter: I will always be here for you. I will always be your biggest fan. I love you with all of my heart.” 

"To my first-born son: Congratulations on entering the world! I am so excited to see all the wonderful things you will do. I love you so much already." - To My First Born Quotes

73.    “To my first-born child: I am so grateful to be your parent. I promise to always support you. I love you more than words can say.” 

74.   “To my first-born son: Congratulations on entering the world! I am so excited to see all the wonderful things you will do. I love you so much already.” 

"To my first-born daughter: I will always be here for you. I will always be your biggest fan. I love you with all of my heart." - To My First Born Quotes

75.   “My beautiful first-born child, I am so grateful to be your mother. There are no words that can describe the love I have for you. You are my everything. I will never give up on you, no matter what.”

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Wrapping up First Born quotes

Firstborns are special. They are a symbol of hope and new beginnings.

They are also a reminder that we need to cherish every moment we have with our loved ones.

I hope these quotes about firstborns will make you enjoy your time with them even more.

If you loved these quotes, you may enjoy reading our rainbow baby quotes.

2 thoughts on “75 First Born Quotes That Perfectly Describe the Experience”

  1. Both my grandmother and grandfather were first born and my mother was their first born. It so happened also that I’m first born too. With that I tend to exercise “veto power” over my siblings because I’m older than all of them.

    • Hahaha! As a second-born, I have been on the receiving end of said “veto power.” A characteristic truly distinct to first borns. Thanks for your comment.


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