35 Second Born Quotes That Perfectly Describe the Experience

Are you a second-born child, or do you know someone who is?

Then you know that being the middle child can come with its own set of unique experiences and challenges.

But it can also come with its own set of wisdom and inspiration.

Today, I want to share some of my favorite second-born quotes. 

These words of wisdom will make you laugh, nod your head in agreement, or maybe even shed a tear.

So grab a cup of coffee (or tea), and let’s dive into the world of second-borns!

Second Born Quotes

“If raising one kid was hard, wait until you have two of those.”

1-  “They will turn your world upside down, but still, you wouldn’t want it any other way.”

2-  “If raising one kid was hard, wait until you have two of those.”

3-  “It is hard after the second one, but some things seem to work in your favor. You don’t won’t have to worry about entertaining the firstborn all the time, they will have company. Two of them will invent silly little games to keep them occupied.”

4-  “Secondborns are wild naughty little creatures.”

5-  “Secondborns are the clever, naughty ones. They make sure to make room in your heart. They are different and special in their own unique ways.”

6-  “The secondborn will make you question your parenting style.”

7-  “You don’t have to worry if you will love them all equally. They make sure you do.”

Fun Second Born Child Quotes

“Forever the mediator between the other two siblings is the middle child.”

8-  “By the second child, you kind of want to embrace the chaos.”

9-  “Secondborns are firecrackers, but adorable firecrackers.”

10-  ”Ever felt you were in a state of limbo? That’s what middle children have to live with their whole lives.”

11-  “Forever the mediator between the other two siblings is the middle child.”

12-  “We have always been one against the world, me and my sister. Our combined forces were lethal. Her the intelligent perfectionist, me the clever goof.”

13-  “Congrats on the birth of the second child. Are you ready for one hell of a ride?”

14. “With a firstborn, you have things under control. The moment your secondborn steps into the picture, you say bye-bye to any speck of normalcy.”

RELATED: 75 Beautiful First Born Quotes

Thought-provoking Second-born Quotes

“Those tiny shoulders will bow down if you don’t stop with the comparisons.”

15-  “Forever in the shadow of an elder sibling, the second borns often have to deal with a lot of pressure to measure up to their siblings and prove themselves. We need to end this culture of pitting one sibling against the other.”

16-  “The second baby comes to the parents who have gotten the hang of the whole ‘baby nurturing,’ ‘baby rearing,’ and ‘parenting thing.’ Their skills have been honed, and on the whole, they are well adjusted.”

17-  “Those tiny shoulders will bow down if you don’t stop with the comparisons.”

18-  “The greatest gift I gave my firstborn is my secondborn. Those two are inseparable. They fight, they play, and they protect one another from ‘pretend monsters’; they are one team against the world.”

19-  “The second child sees their parents in a very different light than their older siblings do. Not really in a good or a bad way, just different. By the time the second one comes, the parents are more experienced, their relationship with each other  is different, their parenting style is different, they have learned a lot, and they tackle challenges differently.”

20-  “Parenting styles keep on changing with time; parents might do things differently with the second born. They are usually more easygoing with secondborns.”

21-  “Parents make more learned decisions the second time around.”

Middle Child Quotes

“Second-borns are promoted (or demoted) to the status of a middle born when the third child enters the picture.”

22-  “Second-borns are promoted (or demoted) to the status of a middle born when the third child enters the picture.”

23-  “Middleborns have it the easiest. No extra pressure to satisfy the parents; that responsibility lies with the firstborns. No fear of turning rebellious or temperamental; that’s the job of the thirdborns. They are adorable. They charm their way into everyone’s hearts.”

My Second-born Quotes

“You are the second one in order but not in love. We love you both equally and passionately.”

24-  “We were ecstatic when we found out we were pregnant again, but mostly we were just happy our firstborn was getting a lifelong friend.”

25-  “You are the second one in order but not in love. We love you both equally and passionately.”

26-  “Don’t think for a second we love you any less. We love you for who you are, our crazy and affectionate girl with big dreams.”

27-  “My second born, with his wild antics, naughty ways, and hilarious actions, always made sure to keep me on my toes. Never again have I judged another mom.”

28-  “We gained confidence as parents after the firstborn. She was a serious, well-behaved child. So we decided we wanted another one. Oh boy, we were in for a surprise. The second one jostled our lives. Our hard-earned confidence disappeared. The journey ever since can be summed up as ‘wild, amazing, chaotic, and beautiful.”

29-  “How I worried I would not be able to love you like I loved your older brother. But a look at your wrinkly-newborn-bright-red face and off that notion went.”

30-  “I think there is enough room in my heart for both of you.”

31-  “I never thought I would love anyone more than I loved my firstborn. When my secondborn came along, at first, I was still not sure that was gonna change. But soon, she paved her way into my heart quickly and furiously .”

First Perspective Middle-born Quotes

“My other two sisters were a team, but I am grateful they never teamed up against me. Ignored me? Yes. I was often left to cater for my own entertainment. ”

32-  “I was a girl sandwiched between two boys, and I was so spoiled. Our parents always said they loved us all equally, but I think deep down we all knew who the favorite was.”

33-  “I was never the ‘smart one’ like my elder sibling or the ‘funny one’ like my younger sibling. I was the simple one, the mediocre child who never knew when to say the right thing or the funny thing. The cynic in me thinks my parents were a little biased toward the other two, but if I am being honest, I think they loved us all the same.”

34-  “My other two sisters were a team, but I am grateful they never teamed up against me. Ignored me? Yes. I was often left to cater for my own entertainment. ”

35-  “I actually feel lucky to be a middle child. Our parents are experienced but not overly confident. They know their game well. Firstborns get the short end of the stick by getting amateur parents. The youngest ones do not fare better either, having the parents who have become so lax in parenting that they are often at the risk of getting spoiled.”

Final Thoughts On Second Child Quotes

And that’s a wrap!

I hope you enjoyed reading through some of these second-born quotes as much as I enjoyed putting this post together.

Whether you’re a second-born yourself (like me) or just have a soft spot for the middle child, these quotes really hit home for me.

I love the sense of humor, resilience, and wisdom that shines through in each one.

If you have any favorite second-born quotes of your own, I’d love to hear them in the comments below.

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