74 Hello March Quotes To Kickstart Your Best Month Yet

Can you believe it’s already March? Time really does fly, doesn’t it?

As we welcome the new month, I thought it would be fun to share some inspiring and uplifting hello March quotes.

hello march quotes to kick start your best month yet

These and our hello April quotes will do the trick if you’re looking for a bit of motivation to tackle your goals or just need a reminder to enjoy the little things in life.

So, let’s dive in!

Hello March Quotes

Hello March Quotes - March brings with it spring, sunshine, and blossoms

1-  “Hello, March. I have been waiting for you.”

2-  “March, with blooms of every variety, would you consider staying just a bit longer?”

3-  “Hello there, March. Let’s have fun together.”

“March is here to kick off spring.” - Hello March Quotes

4-  “The most beautiful month is here.”

5-  “Hello, March! Let’s bloom together.”

6-  “March is here, and I am so happy about it.”

“The most beautiful month is here.” - Hello March Quotes

7-  “March brings with it spring, sunshine, and blossoms.”

8-  “Hello, March, and hello, spring.”

9-  “March is here to kick off spring.”

“Let’s toast to warmer months ahead.” - Hello March Quotes

10-  “Here’s to new beginnings, new months, and new seasons.”

11-  “Let’s toast to warmer months ahead.”

12-  “Hello, gorgeous-in-the-real-sense March.”

“Hello to majestic March.” - Hello March Quotes

13-  “Hello to majestic March.”

14-  “Hello to the best month ever!”

15-  “Hello to the days that will be longer and nights that will be shorter.”

“Hello, March, the month of basketball.” - Hello March Quotes

16-  “Hello, March, the month of basketball.”

17-  “Hi there, March, where the weather is getting warmer but not enough.”

18-  “Hello, March! Thanks for coming. I am already looking forward to the summer holidays.”

SEE ALSO: 83 Uplifting Hello Spring Quotes

Goodbye February, Hello March Quotes

“With the arrival of March, we sing a winter goodbye song that’s bittersweet.”

19-  “Let’s welcome a marvelous march and pay our farewell to a fabulous February.”

20-  “Goodbye February and Welcome March.”

21-  “Let us say Goodbye to the month that is departing, and let us welcome the upcoming month of March.”

“Goodbye February and welcome March.” - Goodbye February Hello March Quotes

22-  “Bye-bye, Feb! Hello there, March.”

23-  “March has the same old dirty ice of February that will melt slowly to pave the way for greens and blooms.”

“Goodbye, Feb! Welcome, March. America is about to get warmer.” - Goodbye February Hello March Quotes

24-  “With the arrival of March, we sing a winter goodbye song that’s bittersweet.”

25-  “Goodbye, Feb! Welcome, March. America is about to get warmer.”

You'll enjoy these hello February quotes and sayings!

Happy 1st March Quotes

“March is here. Is it too early to start making lemonade?”

26-  “Happy 1st day of the March. May you have a good day and an even better month.”

27-  “Happy 1st day of the third month of 2024.”

“Happy 1st of March. Hereby spring has officially commenced.” - Happy 1st March Quotes

28-  “Happy first day of the new month. I pray you get a lot of pleasant surprises in March.”

29-  “March is here. Is it too early to start making lemonade?”

“Happy first day of undoubtedly the best month.” - Happy 1st March Quotes

30-  “Happy 1st of March. Hereby spring has officially commenced.”

31-  “Happy first March, technically, it’s spring, but in reality, it is not much spring yet. More like winter but mellow winter.”

“Happy 1st March. The landscape is going to be colorful again.” - Happy 1st March Quotes

32-  “Happy first day of undoubtedly the best month.”

33-  “Happy 1st March. The landscape is going to be colorful again.”

CHECK OUT: Spring Equinox Quotes For The First Day Of Spring

Fun March Quotes

“Maybe we can go out on a picnic and sit on a checkered cloth and talk over strawberries and sandwiches.”

34-  “Other months can’t hold a candle to the month of March.”

35-  “It’s March, so people are happy at large.”

36-  “If I were to choose a month to spend all of my life in, I would choose March.”

“It’s March, so people are happy at large.” - Fun March Quotes

37-  “It’s March; let’s go to the park.”

38-  “Maybe we can go out on a picnic and sit on a checkered cloth and talk over strawberries and sandwiches.”

39-  “Let’s charge forward with more strength than ever in the month of March.”

“It’s March; let’s go to the park.” - Fun March Quotes

40-  “It’s March, but oranges are still going strong.”

41-  “There is something about having Grapefruit juice in March. Maybe because I have always had grapefruit juice in March.”

SEE: Fun Spring Break Quotes For Kids, Students, and Teachers

I Love March Quotes

“I love that March tends to bring out the gardener that’s buried inside of me somewhere.”

42-  “Why do I love March? Isn’t it obvious? It’s basketball time.”

43-  “I love March because March madness is kind of awesome.”

“Why do I love March? Isn’t it obvious? It’s basketball time.” - I Love March Quotes

44-  “March is loved by many but especially ones who are basketball fanatics.”

45-  “Land is coming to life again after a few months of lifeless winter.”

“I love March because March Madness is kind of awesome.” - I Love March Quotes

46-  “March feels just right. Daylight hours, temperature, everything is perfect.”

47-  “I love that March tends to bring out the gardener that’s buried inside of me somewhere.”

Don't Miss: These March Madness Quotes perfect for B'ball lovers

Why March Is The Best Month Quotes

“March brings long days where you can do something other than snoozing off and lazing around.”

48-  “March means daffodils and colorful landscapes, and who doesn’t love that?”

49-  “March is simply the best because bye-bye flu season.”

50-  “Flu and cold are not a March thing, and thank goodness!”

“March is simply the best because bye-bye flu season.” - Why March Is The Best Month Quotes

51-  “What a relief to not be constantly sick.”

52-  “March has a lot to offer for sports fans. From basketball to golf and from NBA to baseball, it has in store so much fun for all.”

“Thank you, March, for being so mad.” - Why March Is The Best Month Quotes

53-  “March means you get to wear stylish and light sweaters, and who loves heavy jackets and thousands of layers anyway?” 

54-  “Thank you, March, for being so mad.”

“Flu and cold are not a March thing, and thank goodness!” - Why March Is The Best Month Quotes

55-  “March brings long days where you can do something other than snoozing off and lazing around.”

56-  “Let’s appreciate March after a long, long winter.”

Poetic March Quotes

“When I imagine heaven, I picture meadows, gardens, and lakes in Spring.”

57-  “March reminds me of pleasant times, strong winds, Taylor Swift songs, and beautiful nature.”

58-  “Trailing behind February is the month of March when the wind is strong, and winter is almost gone.”

“With flowers of every kind, March is the month I don’t mind.” - Poetic March Quotes

59-  “With flowers of every kind, March is the month I don’t mind.”

60-  “March has a bit of leftover winter and a bit of upcoming summer.”

“March has a bit of leftover winter and a bit of upcoming summer.” - Poetic March Quotes

61-  “March reminds me of Daffodils. The yellowish flowers with another worldly aroma. I love March if only for Daffodils and nothing else.”

62-  “When I imagine heaven, I picture meadows, gardens, and lakes in spring.”

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March Month Quotes

“Sandwiched between February and April, March is a month of beautiful weather and scenic beauty.”

63-  “Some consider it the last month of winter, and some the first month of spring. And I say to each their own.”

64-  “The month of March is my favorite.”

“The month of March is my favorite.” - March Month Quotes

65-  “I love watching everything spring to life in the beautiful month of March.”

66-  “March is beautiful, and there is no other month quite like it.”

67-  “Sandwiched between February and April, March is a month of beautiful weather and scenic beauty.”

“All the color looks picturesque against the lush greens.” - March Month Quotes

68-  “Landscape transforms itself into something so pretty in the month of March.”

69-  “All the color looks picturesque against the lush greens.”

People Born In March Quotes

“Affectionate and caring, those are the ultimate qualities of people born in march.”

70-  “Affectionate and caring, those are the ultimate qualities of people born in March.”

71-  “People born in March are beautiful, just like the month of March and everything it stands for.”

“People born in March are natural-born leaders.” - People Born In March Quotes

72-  “March babies are brilliant, and they are more likely to become pilots than babies born in any other month.”

73-  “People born in March are natural-born leaders.”

74-  “Daffodil is a birth flower of March babies. Cool, isn’t it?”

RELATED: Spring-Inspired Baby Names for Girls and Boys
March 1st quotes PIN IMAGE

Wrapping up March Quotes

And there you have it, folks! Some amazing Hello March quotes to kickstart the new month.

I hope you found one or two that resonated with you and gave you a little boost of inspiration.

Remember, every day is a new opportunity to make something happen and chase your dreams.

So, let’s make the most of this new month and make it unforgettable!

Cheers to March and all the possibilities it holds.

Don't miss these welcoming monthly quotes:

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